Thursday, January 10, 2013

Bootylious Beyonce GQ Cover

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Gotta give credit when credit is due? Or do you? 

Beyonce reveals it all in the upcoming cover of GQ! Some may call it sexy, others may think it's trashy. In the end all that matters is what Bey thinks.
This is how she looks post-pregnancy! Amazing! Baby Blue Ivy just recently turned 1 years old and Bey bounced back already. You gotta commend her for that accomplishment. But was it the right move for her career? I wonder what Jay had to say about this?

Check out this photo that will be featured in the upcoming February 2013 issue of GQ.

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Wow! Geeessshhh! OMG! Beyonce, Beyonce! 

I wonder what made her make this move! It's extremely sexy compared to her style before her pregnancy. But does it work or not? I'm a bit confused and puzzled. 

They say if you got it Flaunt it and I figure that's what she decided to do. The music industry is very competitive and sex sales, right? So I guess it could be the right move. 

At the end of the day, she is a young, vibrant, sexy superstar that can pretty much do whatever she wants! But will it make or break her? We will just have to wait and see what the critics/media have to say about this one. I just can't get with it as a extreme fan. This photo doesn't represent what she always portrayed. It just doesn't match up. I will always love her though and have to respect her for such a bold move! I wish you the best of luck, Bey! 

I'm curious....What do you guys think about it? Or am I just Hatin! lol

Beyonce's upcoming performances for 2013:
  • Pres. Obama Inauguration 1/21
  • The new Destiny’s Child Album 1/29
  • Super Bowl Halftime Show 2/3
  • HBO Documentary 2/16 

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